As the year comes to an end, there are few things that I am very grateful for. One of them is adding a few practices to my daily routine. I would love to share this because it has a lot of benefits, it has benefited me so much.
MEDITATION The first thing is daily meditation. At first, I was very skeptical about meditation because I didn’t understand it. But the more I read different self-improvement books, it continues to be the one thing that gets mentioned. So I decided to give it a try. It’s still fairly new to me so I'm speaking from a beginners perspective. I can tell you some of the benefits for me. I started with a guided meditation through a meditation app called Buddhify and in that app you get to choose and set the tone for what type of meditation you want. What I love about it is there's 5 minutes, there's 10 minutes, there's 15 minutes so you could start where you feel like starting. I would say one of the main benefits for me is it allows me to stay calm and reflect, which is very necessary in this busy world that we’re living in and it literally brings me so much peace when I am able to calm down I am much more organized and my creative juices start flowing. The second benefit to me would be peace of mind, During and after meditation I feel internal peace. Peace of mind is everything! The third benefit for me will be happiness happiness before I do it happiness while I’m doing it and happiness after I meditate. I have to warn you, if you're new to meditation, the first few times you may not notice anything but don’t give up, keep trying.
GRATITUDE LIST Another practice that I would like to share with you that has changed my life this year and added so much value to my life is a gratitude list. A gratitude list is just you writing a few things that you’re grateful for every morning. So right after I meditate or sometimes before I meditate, I write down my gratitude list, which usually starts with the fact that I’m alive, something so simple makes such a huge difference. For those of you who already do this, you already know the benefits. If you don’t, I urge you to start. Start a daily routine of a gratitude list. It doesn't have to be long, just 5 things that you’re grateful for everyday as you start your day. I hope this helps someone. I just wanted to share because these two practices that I have added to my life this year have been really beneficial to my happiness, joy, creativity, and overall mental health. Thank you so much!